Hungary - Hajdú-Bihar Vármegyei I.osztályú tips and stats for Today

Tips and stats for all the games today and this week.

Monostorpályi SE have under 3.5 goals in their last 4 games.

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Hajduböszörmény have over 2.5 goals in their last 4 games.

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Téglás VSE have over 1.5 goals in their last 8 games.

Nyiradony have over 1.5 goals in their last 10 games.

Nyiradony have conceded over 0.5 goals in their last 6 games.

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Letavertes have scored over 0.5 goals in their last 4 games.

Letavertes have over 0.5 second half goals in their last 7 games.

Sárréti DSK have conceded over 0.5 goals in their last 7 games.

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Hajdúnánás FK have over 2.5 goals in their last 12 games.

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Aqua-General have over 0.5 second half goals in their last 9 games.

Kabai Meteorit SE have over 3.5 goals in their last 4 games.

Kabai Meteorit SE have conceded over 0.5 goals in their last 5 games.

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Both teams to score in the last 5 games of BUSE.

BUSE have over 1.5 goals in their last 6 games.

BUSE have under 3.5 goals in their last 4 games.

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Bocskai SE Vámospércs have lost their last 4 games.

Bocskai SE Vámospércs have over 1.5 goals in their last 8 games.

Bocskai SE Vámospércs have conceded over 0.5 goals in their last 6 games.

Bocskai SE Vámospércs have conceded over 1.5 goals in their last 5 games.

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