The Arsenal Project by Chris Read
All it takes is a few heat pressed letters to send a message that can make its way around the world. Head to North London on matchday and you’ll find Arsenal supporters filling the stadium with hilarious and heartfelt statements. Director Chris Read couldn’t resist documenting these select few with all kinds of custom kits.
As Chris tells Soccerbible, “A few years ago I treated myself to a season ticket and would go every week with a couple mates. I always had a point and shoot with me and just fancied doing some kind of personal project focusing on Arsenal in some way. I had of course seen customised shirts in the past and appreciated them, so once I was going regularly, I just started shooting them when I saw them. Now it’s turned into a minor obsession, going to games hours before, trawling pubs, reaching out to sites and magazines looking for some help, feeding the addiction essentially.”
He goes on to say, “From songs and chants, to flags and banners, football has always had a very ‘punk, DIY’ feeling which really appeals to me. I think creating some personality and individuality by customising quite a uniformed item of clothing shoes an extra level of love for your team and almost respect to your fellow fan.“
We’ve so much respect for this series. See more at Soccerbible and Chris Read’s site.