We may look different, but don’t fret! AFR is still the same.

We may look different, but don’t fret! AFR is still the same.

Posted By Eric Beard, A Football Report Co-Founder

Just like Pique, the jalapeno pepper who was the mascot for the 1986 World Cup in Mexico, and Gerard Pique, the Barcelona and Spain defender, here at AFR we’ve kept our name, but we’ve changed our site’s look a little bit. Just because our content is now easier to read and you now have much easier access to all of the AFR features, well, that doesn’t mean we’ve changed. We haven’t.

Even though we have (hopefully) evolved from that mascot with an awkward looking mustache to a professional footballer on the outside, don’t worry, we’re still the same footy-mad group with an undying relationship with the game. And although we’re still finishing up with the final touches on the redesign, but we’d love to hear what you think of the new “Pique 2.0” AFR! Feel free to drop a comment below or hit us up at contact@afootballreport.com.