Support “Changing The Game”

Support “Changing The Game”

Support “Changing The Game”

This is the scenario: Three sets of teens from three corners of the globe – AIDS-ravaged South Africa, war-torn Israel and Palestine, and inner-city Philadelphia – share one thing in common: the fight to survive. Separated by language, culture, and thousands of miles, they are also bound by a universally human drive: the desire to win.

“Changing The Game” follows these teens as they journey from their poor and violent communities to compete at the first-ever street soccer competition that operated alongside the 2010 World Cup in South Africa. At midnight on Friday, the Kickstarter making the film possible comes to a close. Yesterday I had a pleasure meeting Shilpi Gupta, the Sundance award-winning director behind this project alongside the producer behind Hotel Rwanda, and her excitement to share these stories of unlikely triumph with the world drew me in more than anything.

Combining vérité footage, personal video journals, and a cutting-edge musical score featuring local hip hop artists, the film captures a riveting story of journey and competition, showing the power of football to help teens redefine who they are and challenge the world they live in. The Kickstarter ends Friday at midnight (yes, that means there are only a few to go). If you can, support it, whether that means lending some change or sharing it with your friends and followers. After all, what is this game without a sense of community? [Posted by Eric]