Man City is scattered around New York City

Man City is scattered around New York City

Man City is scattered around New York City

For the club’s trip to the States (and the announcement of NYC FC), 85 Man City-themed posters designed by Luke Barclay were just put up across Manhattan and Brooklyn. A few have already been found, but the real kicker in this is that tweeting posters that are found to @KICKTV is the ticket to two seats at Yankee Stadium for Man City-Chelsea this Saturday.

By the way, on a somewhat related note, we were recently sent to fan-made videos of gameday experiences with MLS clubs. One, capturing an away day to Columbus with the New York Red Bulls, was made by Nathen McVittie. The other, focusing on a night with the Galaxy in Los Angeles, is by Luis Sanchez. Both are brilliant additions to the #WhereIsFootball project. Check ‘em out, and go searching for footy in your surroundings.