A Cosmic Rebirth

A Cosmic Rebirth

By Saheli RC, writing from Singapore

In ancient mythology, a phoenix was a sacred firebird, with colourful plumage and a glorious golden tail, which ignited and turned itself into ashes at the end of its lifespan. From that ash, a new, young phoenix was reborn anew, and was destined to live as long as its former self. Or so the legend went. Hopping onto your Tardis and fast forwarding a couple of centuries, you arrive to the 1970s. This period was, as the youngsters like to say these days, a very ‘happening’ time as the Cold War raged on in full scale across the world, while people were feeling the first effects of a global oil crisis. Onto more athletic grounds, Margaret Court was winning every tennis Grand Slam in a calendar year and the dynamic duo of Renus Michels and Johan Cruyff were teaching the world how to play beautiful football. Yes, happening alright.

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(Source: philosofooty)