With the force of more than 50,000 fans, allow us to introduce AFR Voice.

With the force of more than 50,000 fans, allow us to introduce AFR Voice.

With the force of more than 50,000 fans, allow us to introduce AFR Voice.

Your eyes, they’ve been doing too much work lately. Whether you want to give your ears some exercise or stand up and make your voice heard, we’re here to finally bring back an essential element to AFR. After stints with podcasts in the past, we’re back with something new, something that we think will prove to be a consistently fantastic addition to the AFR Team. Think of us as Mourinho’s Real Madrid, fully recovered from losing 5-0 to Barça with a newfound balance we can’t wait to showcase, except we don’t have to face Messi until he learns English.

So what is AFR Voice exactly? Allow myself (Eric Beard) in Boston and Patrick Cullinan in London to introduce A Football Report’s new audio offering on the global game in the 4 minute audio clip above. 

We also want to hear what you want to hear from us. You can contact the AFR Voice team by sending your emails to AFRvoice@gmail.com, or by squeezing 140 characters to @AFRvoice on twitter. You can find the feed on iTunes and you can follow us on Soundcloud. Thoughts, suggestions, and comments are more than welcome below.

(Source: SoundCloud / A Football Report Voice)