Betting on “The Fear” in Football

Betting on “The Fear” in Football

By Mike Chalmers, writing from Edinburgh

Handing over your hard-earned pocket money for the chance to win more is “a mug’s game”* and something I cannot advocate. That being said, I have a system which I guarantee** will be fruitful. It’s no secret that I’m a Rangers fan and may write about them more than other teams, but I’ll try not to (present article excluded).

*My Dad’s saying, despite being the most prolific gambler I know.

**I cannot guarantee this in any way, whatsoever.

The majority of people I know who watch and bet on football prefer ‘folds’. They will pick multiple games and decide who will win, draw or lose. They only win if all their choices are correct but they win the accumulated odds of all games. Generally they will never choose ‘draw’ and intentionally choose games where they believe they can predict a winner. I have friends and family who will win this relatively often. Maybe 1 in 4. I never win this way. Ever. I tend to overthink it (or get stuck in The Anchoring Trap) but the teams I’m slightly unsure about will win no problem and my “bankers” lose. I may have played this way dozens of times. Clearly I needed something else (although I will, no doubt, try this every once in a while).

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(Source: philosofooty)