Pod preko Golovi predviđanja i statistike za Danas za nogometne igre i pod više ciljeva klađenje savjeti

(Golovi klađenje savjete morate se kladiti na jednom mjestu)

Cilj predviđanja znači da se predviđa na broju ciljeva unutar nogometne utakmice kroz period od 90 minuta. Pod preko Golovi klađenje savjete obično se temelji na očekivanim ukupnim golova od bilo koga od ekipe. Ovdje puno koncentracije je dao i na temelju bodovanja ili cilj sposobnost ekipe i svojim nedavnim statistikama.

Top 5

domaćina - gostujući tim Dojava logika
Iznad 1.5
Roaring Lions je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Iznad 1.5
Cuba je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 6 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 2.5
Morocco je zabio više od 2.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 1.5
Chad je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Iznad 2.5
Cuba je zabio više od 2.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.

Savjeti za više od 2. 5 golova po utakmici, pretpostavke i statistika za više od 3.5 golova po utakmici. Savjeti za klađenje uživo na manje od 2.5 golova po utakmici.

domaćina - gostujući tim Dojava logika
Iznad 1.5
Roaring Lions je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Iznad 1.5
Cuba je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 6 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 2.5
Morocco je zabio više od 2.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 1.5
Chad je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Iznad 2.5
Cuba je zabio više od 2.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Iznad 1.5
Torque je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 1.5
Cortuluá je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 3.5
Bolivia je zabio više od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Iznad 1.5
Trem-AP je zabio više od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 4 utakmica.

Dnevne nogometne pretpostavke i statistike, savjeti za manje od 2.5 i više od 1.5 golova po utakmici. Savjeti za klađenje uživo na manje od 2.5 golova po utakmici.

domaćina - gostujući tim Dojava logika
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
NAPSA Stars je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 14 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
Comoros je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 8 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
Cortuluá je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 7 utakmica.
manje od 3.5
East Enders je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 7 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 1.5
NAPSA Stars je zabio manje od 1.5 golova u zadnjih 7 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
Senegal je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 6 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
Green Buffaloes je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 6 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 2.5
Tanzania je zabio manje od 2.5 golova u zadnjih 5 utakmica.
Uživo sada
manje od 3.5
Nairn je zabio manje od 3.5 golova u zadnjih 4 utakmica.

How to predict and bet on goals over under

Goals Predictions are very straightforward. An under over goals betting tip means you are predicting on the number of goals within a football game over the course of 90 minutes. Predictions for under over goals are usually based on expected total goals scored by either of the teams. Here much concentration is given and based on the scoring or goal ability of the teams. Pay attention to teams' forms, players and tactics. Teams with attacking tactic and lineup, having weak defense who tend to receive goals are more attractive for goals betting on overs. On the other hand teams that have more defensive tactics and don't allow many goals will be good for goals betting on unders.

In under over goals predictions, the best idea to make use in placing your bet is to observe categorically the scoring or goal ability of the teams. Pick and place your bet on the team with the best scoring ability and skillful strikers, the football stats could be of help at this area.

The under over goals football prediction allows you to predict on whether there will be more or less goals than a fixed number of goals in a football match of 90 minutes, the under over goals prediction ranges from 0.5 goal to 3.5 goal. The goal ranges that we offer are:

  • Under Over 0.5 goals means you are predicting at least 1 goal or more in a football match.
  • Under Over 1.5 goals means you are predicting at least 2 goals or more.
  • Under Over 2.5 goals means you expect at least 3 goals.
  • Under Over 3.5 goals means you expect at least 4 goals or more.
These sets of goals betting tips are found in the online football prediction market, a wide knowledge about these set of goals, teams, their history and statistic makes it easier to predict the matches and get a nice odd.

Virtually speaking, the most popular tip of these four set of under over goals predictions is over 2.5 goals and over 3.5 goals. It is the most popular goals betting tips as there is always a probability of a game ending with 3, 4 or more goals it could be in the following forms 2-1, 3-1, 4-2 etc, they also attract bigger odds than the two other under/over goals. In fact, the lowest of all the predictions is under/over 0.5 goals it attracts the lowest odds, so one can do nice winnings if you select the right matches and right team.

More importantly, it doesn’t matter which of the teams that win the game what we need or concern with is the number of predicted goals being achieved. It's a public secret that live odds are way better than the pre-match odds. So be patient and wait for the game to start. It's hardly expected that a goal will come in the first 10 minutes of the game. You might have already seen on our website that on each page we allow you to see all the football games played live now. So use that toggle and wait for the odds to raise and satisfy your earnings and then place your bet.

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