Why o why is David Pleat still in a job?
David Pleat is currently the lead co-commentator f

David Pleat is currently the lead co-commentator for ITV at Euro 2008 but he really should not be in a job.
I know the excellent Martin Samuel of The Times thinks that David Pleat is an excellent co-commentator and doesn't deserve all the stick that he gets. However I must disagree and after listening to him yesterday, he got me shouting at the TV telling him how stupid he is.
The game was Portugal v Czech Republic but David didn't recognise the latter. He called them either Czechoslovakia or the Republic of Czechoslovakia. Now neither of these countries exist, one has never existed. Yet he will continue to be employed by ITV and they'll probably just laugh it off as David Pleat being David Pleat.
This isn't like Murray Walker, he was beloved by all and his enthusiasm carried him through. So what that he made the odd mistake and got confused at times, that was Murray and we dealt with it. However simple facts like getting someone's name wrong is not something that he did, nor should it be acceptable.
David Pleat is a terrible co-commentator anyway and when you throw in things like this then it frustrates me immensely. ITV won't listen to me but I'm sure if they ran a poll or had a focus group on David Pleat the results would be pretty unanimous.