Dnevna fudbalska predvidjanja i statistika - AFootballReport

(fudbalske prognoze za opklade)

Nudimo dnevna fudbalska predvidjanja i produzena fudbalska statistika za lige i kupove,bazirano na zadnjim rezultatima, da pomognemo fudbalu da sortira bolje rezultate.Dnevni podaci se sastoje od: 1x2, Over/Under Gol, Prvi gol u poluveremenu, Oba tima daju gol, kornera, kartona.

Konacan rezultat 1X2 fudbalskog meca prognoze.

domaći тим - гостујући тим Dojava. % Tipsteri.
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1X2 Фоотбалл предвиђања су дефинитивно најпопуларнији и уобичајене савете за фудбалске утакмице са пуним радним временом исхода који ћете наћи свуда. Наши предвиђања за 1Х2 се насељавају професионалних типстера и пружају Вам на дневној бази. Предвиђања могу варирати у различито време дана јер се ажурира два пута дневно.

Preko 2.5 golova - Vise / Manje golova

domaći тим - гостујући тим Dojava. логика
Preko 1.5
T. Kalev II ima preko 1.5 golova u zadnjih 26 meceva.
Preko 1.5
West Brom ima preko 1.5 golova u zadnjih 25 meceva.
Preko 1.5
Kalju U21 ima preko 1.5 golova u zadnjih 23 meceva.
Preko 1.5
Tottenham ima preko 1.5 golova u zadnjih 23 meceva.
Preko 1.5
Middlesbrough U18 ima preko 1.5 golova u zadnjih 18 meceva.
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Predvidjanja za manje vise golova, tipovi I statistika bazirana na performansama time od poslednjeg meca. tipovi za preko 2.5 golova.

golove u prvom poluvremenu. - Preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu

domaći тим - гостујући тим Dojava. логика
Preko 0.5
Kalju U21 ima preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 23 meceva
Preko 0.5
Brentford U21 ima preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 18 meceva
Preko 0.5
Leeds ima preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 15 meceva
Preko 0.5
Eindhoven ima preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 14 meceva
Preko 0.5
Sligo Rovers ima preko 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 14 meceva
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Predvidjanja za golove u prvom poluvremenu, tipovi I statistika za golove u prvom poluvremenu bazirane na performansama tima u zadnjem mecu.

Gol Gol. (Btts)

domaći тим - гостујући тим Dojava. логика
GG u zadnjih 11 meceva Deportivo Upala FC
GG u zadnjih 10 meceva Posta Rangers
GG u zadnjih 9 meceva Venados
GG u zadnjih 7 meceva Bačka Topola
GG u zadnjih 7 meceva Universidad O&M
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GG predvidjanja,gg tipovi I gg statistika za trenutnu formu tima u zadnjem mecu.GG tipovi

Predicting football - the different way...

Today, "Football predictions" is one of the ways of making money online. Football tipping is an act of determining the possible outcome of a certain match or number of matches. It’s quite different from pools tipping or betting that take place between two or more people. It involves predicting and calculating the percentage of probability of winning the game. The ability to increase your earnings is basically determined by the ability to predict accurately and as well choosing the best odds. Predictions are majorly based not only upon subjective theory but usually follow a statistical method for determining the chances of a particular team winning a football match.

On the Internet there are many websites that deal with predicting football, i.e. pages that give away football tips for those who search for them, but rarely with success and therefore tend to look for a large pile of money. It often happens, that if you pay for some information, you will not get a reliable one. The produced tip will not be trustworthy, and you will end up losing your bet. Then you find yourself in a frustrating state. Aside from “falling” on a bookmaker that gives everyone a headache, you have also lost a large sum of money on a tip that a seller previously boasted.

Our belief is that good football tips are the one that you didn’t pay for. The good football prediction is the one that you have researched, compared teams stats and collected as much information as possible using different websites and tipsters. Then you can be sure that you have the right pick and you will experience way more fun in winning than paying someone else and blindly trust.

AFootballReport is an independent football predicting web source, where every day you can find the latest daily football stats, game analysis and thorough information of the types of betting markets. We offer free tips on a daily basis and our predictions are related solely to our passion to the sport.

In addition to football tips, on the page you can find also extended football stats of teams and look at their performances in the last rounds. Besides the usual 1X2 full time predictions, AFootballReport offers advices for over/under goals in different ranges (from 0.5 onwards), goals in the first half, btts, predicting the number of corners and the number of bookings and cards.

Our daily football predictions are based on: verified information, football stats, team lineups, injuries and suspensions, performances of certain teams in recent matches, mutual ratios.

All the stats on which we create tips are available on our website.

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