Prve polovici predviđanja za Danas za nogometne utakmice i prve polovice golovi klađenje savjete

( Prva polovica predviđanja morate se kladiti na jednom mjestu)

prvo pol predviđanja se uglavnom odnose na bodovanje prva polovica golovi i omogućuje vam da odaberete da li će biti barem jedan ili više postignutih golova u prvih 45 minuta utakmice. To je jedan od najpopularnijih nogometnih savjeta i čvrsto je povezano s očekivao više od 0,5 Prva polovica golovi.

Top 5

domaćina - gostujući tim Dojava logika
Iznad 0.5
Pachuca je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 13 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
Deportivo Upala FC je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
Bogotá je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
AC Barnechea je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 9 utakmica.
Iznad 0.5
Necaxa je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 8 utakmica.

Golovi u prvom poluvremenu- više od 0.5 golova, više od 1.5 golova - dnevne pretpostavke i statistika. Savjeti za uživo klađenje za više od 0.5 golova u prvom poluvremenu.

domaćina - gostujući tim Dojava logika
Iznad 0.5
Pachuca je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 13 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
Deportivo Upala FC je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
Bogotá je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 11 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
AC Barnechea je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 9 utakmica.
Iznad 0.5
Necaxa je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 8 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 1.5
Bogotá je postigao više od 1.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 7 utakmica.
Iznad 0.5
Universidad O&M je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 6 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 0.5
Monterrey je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Uživo sada
Iznad 1.5
AC Barnechea je postigao više od 1.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Iznad 1.5
Necaxa je postigao više od 1.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Iznad 0.5
Comunicaciones je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 4 utakmica.
Iznad 0.5
Deportes Rengo je postigao više od 0.5 pogodaka u prvom poluvremenu u zadnjih 4 utakmica.

Over first half goals predictions guide

Apart from the common full time game outcome, the very next football tip that people are looking for is the goals tip. One possibility for over goals is the first half goals or the first half predictions.

First half goals predictions allows you to pick whether there will be at least one or more goals scored in the first 45 minutes of a match. This is one of the most popular football tips and it ranges between over 0.5 first half goals to over 3.5 first half goals. Widely used is the over 0.5 option as most of the football fans don't want to risk in more goals as the teams have only one half to score them. First half goals is a very profitable and well awarded tip as when a game begins most at the teams are not fully concentrated on what happens on the pitch and it often happens some team to pick the wrong tactic for the game and to adjust during gameplay. Those conditions result in one or more goals which makes a winning tip for us. The best thing is that you don't care which team will score as long as there are goals in the first 45 minutes.

First half goals tip options are often profitable as the odds get exponentially bigger during gameplay, because the time in the first half is always limited to 45 minutes and as less time remains, the bigger the odds go.

Best strategy for research such first half predictions is to explore both teams stats and see which teams tend to score or receive goals in the first half of their games. Compare teams' lineups and tactics. Offensive team tactics are preferable to pick as they will have more forwarders to score goals and less defenders to stop goals. Avoid derby games as in derbies both teams can't afford to lose and they play mainly defensively. Live odds are really preferable than pre-match odds as it's not likely any team to score a goal within the first 5-10 minutes of the match. Also when you click on a page on our website of a specific game and go to the stats you can find the percentage of over first half goals scored by that team and make easier to sort out your pick.

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