United and Chelsea step aside from Liverpool TV breakaway deal

United and Chelsea step aside from Liverpool TV br

A Football Report

England giants Chelsea and Manchester United have distanced themselves for Liverpool’s proposal for a new individual breakaway plan to sell broadcasting rights.

The Reds’ managing director Ian Ayre has claimed top clubs in England were being harmed with the collecting TV rights revenue deal, which expects the £3.2bn package to be shared equally among all 20 Premier League teams. 

According to Ayre, top clubs bring in more viewers and subscriptions from abroad. Therefore, they should be able to negotiate their rights overseas individually. 

But the idea is not getting too much support from other top flight clubs, such a Chelsea, whose spokesman reacted by saying: “We are supportive of the Premier League on this and want to continue with the way we sell collectively.”

Manchester United has had no official response but the club’s executive David Gill has shown himself in favour of the current deal. He said earlier this year: “The collective selling of the television rights has clearly been a success and it has made things more competitive.”

Other smaller Premier League clubs have shown their disappointment towards Liverpool’s suggestion.