Meet the Chelsea team and more!!

Calling all football fans, aspiring players and pr

A Football Report

Calling all football fans, aspiring players and pretty much everyone else interested in sport! Samsung and Chelsea football club have decided to offer a once in a lifetime prize to a really lucky fan.

The winner will enjoy a money-can't-buy opportunity to meet the Chelsea football team! Yes, you read the Chelsea players! That's not all either, you will also have the chance to brush up on your skills when you take part in a training session with the coaches and then spend the evening at Stamford Bridge including a tour of the ground!

If this sounds like a competition that you would like to enter (let's face it who wouldn't!!) All you need to do is upload a picture, and your experiences as a fan which display your passion and dedication for the beautiful game! Not exactly much effort for such an impressive and exciting prize!!

So what are you waiting for?! Get your entry secured quick!