How Long Is Each Quarter In Football?

I feel this is the best time to talk about footbal

A Football Report
How Long Is Each Quarter In Football?

I feel this is the best time to talk about football quarters and their duration, especially since, we have the new NFL season coming up. For those who are new to the sport and have questions about how long each quarter lasts, they may find my post helpful.

Like I always say, football games are the most entertaining of all. With eleven players on each side chasing after a ball and crowds cheering for them, exciting things are bound to happen!

Coming onto more important things, how long is each quarter in football? Well, football games are 60 minutes long, which is divided into four quarters of 15 minutes each. Now allow me to explain it in detail so, I can remove all your confusion.

How many quarters are there in a football game?

As I mentioned, each game lasts for 60 minutes, comprising a total of four quarters. Each quarter is 15 minutes long and separated by a 12-minute break at half-time.

Players also get a 2-minute additional break between the first and third quarters so, they can change over ends.

How long is a quarter in a football game?

No matter the level, football games are always divided into quarters and halves. The four quarters are 15 minutes each, and this applies to both college and NFL matches. During halftime, players go back to strategizing to enhance their performance in the second half.

It is worth highlighting that games are usually shorter at the high school level. That’s because the quarters are broken into 12-minute periods. This is done to provide enough rest to young athletes and also to protect them from getting injured.

The games are even shorter at the youth level, where each quarter lasts for only 8 minutes. Once again this is done for the well-being of young players.

How long is a halftime in a football game?

Now let me tell you about the concept of halftime in a football game. Well, the duration varies depending on the game’s level. What I mean is that the duration of halftime is different for college games and NFL matches.

In an NFL game, the halftime lasts about 12 minutes, but for college games, players get a 20-minute break. It is for this reason that college football games last longer than NFL matches. However, in Superbowl, players get a much longer half-time, which lasts for about 20-30 minutes.

So, you see, the duration of halftime varies depending on the match level. Now that you know it, you shouldn’t be confused next time.

How long does an NFL game last?

NFL games in regular seasons last for about 2 and half hours, including all four quarters and halftime break.

Each game continues until the clock hits 00:00 in the last or the fourth quarter. The involved teams play till the end to see who the winner is. As for ties, that happens only if there’s no winner even after the overtime period.

You might wonder why NFL games are so long. Well, one of the reasons is commercial ads. As Mark Dash mentioned on his 1 dollar page, these ads are placed in between drives, increasing the period. There are usually about 15-25 commercials per quarter. This means 100+ ads in an entire game. I know it’s a lot, but ads are important because of the revenue generation.

So, I have finally reached the end of my post. By now there should be no confusion about how long a quarter last as I covered everything important. With this information, you can now prepare yourself for the next football game.